07-06-2024 El Nuevo Consorcio Aqua Biotechnology es un centro de acuicultura que promueve la innovación en el sector.
07-06-2024 El Nuevo Consorcio Aqua Biotechnology es un centro de acuicultura que promueve la innovación en el sector.
The private/public consortium will soon make available biotechnological products aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that currently cause great losses to both national and international salmon producers. ICTIO BIOTECHNOLOGIES will launch, starting this second semester and throughout 2019 and 2020, last-generation sustainable products and services for the prevention and control of aquaculture […]
The company’s aim in creating “Ictiobiotic” is to facilitate the commercialization of environment-friendly oral biotherapeutics,e specially designed to stimulate the fish’s immune system. ICTIO BIOTECHNOLOGIES is a Chilean private/public consortium founded dour years ago with the aim of developing top-level scientific research. It strives constantly to develop modern treatments that consider the preservation of the […]
Irlanda: Una compañía chilena que desarrolla bioterapéuticos orales para combatir enfermedades en centros de cultivo de salmón es una de las seis empresas emergentes que participan en un programa de aceleración de empresas acuícolas en Irlanda. Por Gareth Moore 05-11-2018 Desde IctioBiotic, firma con sede en Santiago, comentan que ha desarrollado una plataforma de creación […]
Technical Title: “Development of New Immunization Strategies AgainstPiscirickettsia salmonis in Salmonids: Passive Immunization” Conventional Title: Creation of Alternative Passive Immunization against Intracellular P salmonis. Director: Bq. Jonathan Morales General Objective (Technical Description): Development of preventive and curative immunization treatments against SRS. Status: The technological development has been already accomplished and currently the prototype is being […]
Technical Title: “Use of Probiotics as a Vehicle for the Liberation of Cytokines and Antigens Against Viral and Bacterial Pathogens” Conventional Title: Use of Probiotics for the Prevention of Viral and Bacterial Diseases in Aquacultural Species. Director: Dr. Mario Tello General Objective (Technical Description): Generating food additives that can stimulate the immune system at an […]
Project Title: “Use of Prolonged Liberation Systems of Antigens and Coadjuvants to Boost the Immune Response to Vaccines in Salmonids” Directoras: Deborah Vargas – Ana María Sandino General Objective (Technical Description):Development of prolonged liberation vaccines against P. salmonis and other fish pathogens using nano and microparticles that boost the salmonids’ immune response. Description:This Project aims […]
Technical Title: “Immunodominance Study in Polyvalent Vaccines Used in Salmon: a Tool for Redesigning and Improving Vaccines”. Conventional Title: Generating Efficient and Effective Vaccines for the Prevention of Pathogen-Provoked Scepticaemia and Pancreatitis in Salmon. Directora: Dra. Mónica Imarai General Objective (Technical Description): Creating vaccines without interfering antigens. Description: The project team has successfully identified Piscirickettsia salmonisproteins […]
Technical Title: “Development of New B-cell Markers in Salmonids: Evaluation Tools for Cellular Protection and a Rational Design of Vaccines Against Intracellular Pathogens. Conventional Title: Evaluation of the Immunity Levels Created by Vaccines or Specific Pathogens that Affect Salmon Populations. Director: Dr. Kevin Maisey General Objective (Technical Description):The development of antibodies against salmonid’s B-lymphocyte surface […]
Project Title: “Evaluation of the Immune Response of Salmonid’s Lymphocyte T to Pathogens” Conventional Title: Evaluation of Salmonid’s Cellular Immunity Levels Director: Dr. Kevin Maisey General Objective (Technical Description):Generating biotechnological tools based on antibodies and recombinant cytokines to be used as platforms to monitor the lymphocyte T activation and differentiation in response to diverse stimuli […]