
Description of Projects

Evaluation of the Immune Response of Salmonid’s Lymphocyte T to Pathogens

Project Title: “Evaluation of the Immune Response of Salmonid’s  Lymphocyte T to Pathogens”

Conventional Title: Evaluation of Salmonid’s Cellular Immunity Levels

  • Director: Dr. Kevin Maisey

General Objective (Technical Description):Generating biotechnological tools based on antibodies and recombinant cytokines to be used as platforms to monitor the lymphocyte T activation and differentiation in response to diverse stimuli in salmonids.

Description: This project is creating systems that provide the possibility of an early evaluation of the fish’s immune system delivering information on how prepared the fish are to face potential diseases like salmonid rickettsial septicaemia (SRS) or renibacteriosis (BKD).

Status:Project with concrete results and currently in validation process. It is expected to enter the market with kits and ELISA tests by mid 2019.

Project Benefits:

Producers will have predictive profile study tools throughout the aquaculture productive process.

Pharmaceuticals will have objective evaluation tools for their vaccines, adjuvants or immunostimulants.

The aquaculture food industry will have a scientifically validated method to evaluate the effects of certain food supplements on the immune system.

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